F YMonth: August 31, 2016

Yoga For Pain Management

Practicing Yoga to Get Pain Relief Pain is frustrating and annoying. Chronic pain is frustrating and annoying for far too long a period of time and can severely affect your life, socially or economically. Up to 75 million Americans have to deal with chronic pain, which negatively affects the domestic and social lives of these individuals. […]

Best Foods To Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain

Foods That Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain What we put into our bodies plays a huge role in reducing inflammation and joint pain. You can do more than just take medication to help your body. Therefore, to help you narrow down what you can eat to reduce your inflammation and joint pain here is a […]

Types of Chronic Headaches

Headaches which are also referred to as Cephalalgia,  are one of the most common complaints encountered by the primary care physician all around the world. There could many causes that lead to a headache in everyday life. Most of the time it is triggered by lifestyle factors that can be treated at home by the […]

10 Best Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Exercises for Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is an ailment that affects many people throughout the world. There are many different exercises that can help with lower back pain! They range depending on body type, age, and gender. Here is a list of some general exercises that can help with your back pain: Bridge […]

Best Ways to Treat Sciatica

WHAT IS SCIATICA? Sciatica is the symptoms of leg pain that comes from problems in one’s lower back. Degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, and lumbar herniated disc are all lower back problems that commonly lead to sciatica. Once problems in the lower back persist and travel down to one’s legs, the problems will then […]

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