Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)
When someone ages the cushioning between discs in the spine can start to fade, this is most commonly known as degenerative disc disease (DDD). This chronic disease is very common, especially in people above the age of 20. Degenerative disc disease is osteoarthritis targeted at the spine. Pain from degenerative disc disease can come from the abnormal micromotion instability, muscle spasms, or inflammation.
Degenerative Disc Disease Can Affect the Upper, Middle and Lower Spine

Degenerative Disc Disease in the Cervical Spine (Upper back; including the neck)
Degenerative Disc Disease in the Cervical Spine (Upper back; including the neck) cause numbness, radiating pain, and tingling in the shoulders or arms.
Degenerative Disc Disease in the Thoracic Spine (Middle of the back)
Degenerative Disc Disease in the Thoracic Spine (Middle of the back) cause numbness, radiating pain, and tingling in the legs.
Degenerative Disc Disease in the Lumbar Spine (Lower back)
Degenerative Disc Disease in the Lumbar Spine (Lower back) cause numbness, radiating pain, and tingling in the hips and legs, including sciatica.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease
In most cases there aren’t any symptoms until the pain becomes extreme, but if there are symptoms they will be of the following:
- Neck pain
- Leg pain
- Thigh pain
- Lower back pain
- Buttocks pain that worsens when moving from sitting position to standing position
- Muscle spasms
- Stiffness

Best Treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease

Treatment at home can be using a heating/cooling pad to numb the pain, and doing aerobic activities for about 20 minutes daily. Lab tests and screening are not usually required, but a medical diagnosis is necessary. Spinal procedures and surgeries, such as an epidural steroid injection, laminotomy, and discectomy may be available to you, if needed. There is no known cure, but effective pain treatment is available at Pegasus pain management. Specific back related therapies, medications and more information can be provided by Pegasus pain management.
If you are experiencing pain from Degenerative Disc Disease, contact Pegasus pain management, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, immediately to see what kind of pain treatment is best for you. To contact Pegasus pain management call (214) 702-5855