F YMonth: January 25, 2017

Radiofrequency Ablation – Rhizotomy

Not all pain we experience is physical. There is also nociceptive pain (from tissue damage or inflammation), muscular pain, psychogenic pain (from emotional factors), and neuropathic pain (from a dysfunctional or injured nerve). Understanding neuropathic pain as a disease of the nervous system sheds on the riddle of why do we feel pain, solving the […]

Degenerative Disc Disease

 To understand what a degenerative disc means it is helpful to study how the spine works, or at least how it looks like as well as its parts. The spinal column, commonly known as spine, is made up of bones called vertebrae. Between each vertebra is a disc that looks like a gel, which serves […]

Taking Control of Your Arthritis Pain

Taking Control of Your Arthritis Pain Most of us know that Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. Although, joint inflammation is just a sign or a symptom rather than a specific diagnosis, Arthritis is a term used by doctors to describe a group of conditions affecting the joints. The two most common types of […]

Trigger Point Injections

What are trigger points? Painful muscles have been associated to “trigger points”. But what is a trigger point? A trigger point is a hyperirritable area of a tissue that is tender when compressed and can cause a referred pain. It could be a myofascial trigger point if it occurs in the muscle and fascia – […]

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