Worker’s Compensation for Pain Management

Everyone should be careful while working but, unfortunately, there are thousands of accidents in the workplace. Even with the best care, accidents still happen; that’s why we should have some information about special programs which protect employees from any hardships caused by work-related injuries and diseases. We should also understand that worker’s compensation is an insurance program, so if a person has some job-related injuries or diseases this person can get full compensation regardless of the reason of injury. It doesn’t matter who was at fault for these injuries – the employee or the employer, the person will get compensation. But when you got your benefits you won’t have a right to sue the employer in court for your injuries.

Accidents & Injury

workers comp pain management dallas

Will Work Comp Pay for Pain Management?

A lot of people think that worker’s comp covers only their medical bills but it isn’t so. Actually, worker’s compensation covers all medical expenses you need; including pain management. Compensation pays not only for treatment but also for diagnosing your injury. The employee shouldn’t worry about the period of time when he won’t be able to work because worker’s compensation provides disability payments. Usually, disability payments are about two-thirds of your salary.

We also should remember that workers’ compensation doesn’t cover all work-related injuries. Usually, the employee won’t get any compensation if an injury was caused by using illegal drugs. There are also other cases when an employee doesn’t receive any workers’ compensation. An employee won’t get workers’ compensation for an injury in the following cases:

1)    if employee violated company policy

2)    if employee got an injury while committing a crime

3)    if employee got an injury as a result of a fight

4)    if employee wasn’t on the job in the moment of damage

How Long Will You Receive a Worker’s Compensation?

Many workers receive worker’s compensation for a very long period of time. You can have a compensation for injuries that were caused by bad work conditions, so people who have heart diseases, for example, can receive worker’s compensations for years.

But please remember, that not all employees can receive a worker’s compensation. First of all, it depends on how many workers an employer has and what type of business he has.  So, not all employers will guarantee you a worker’s compensation.

Can You be Treated by Your Own Doctor or will Your Employer’s Doctor Treat You?

The situation is different in each state. In some states, you have right to be treated by your own doctor but in some cases, you don’t have such a right.

Workers’ compensation will cover the treatment process in the following way:

  • employer pays for all medical services (doctors, medicines, painkillers and etc.)
  • employer covers all future loss of earnings
  • employer pays for rehabilitation process
  • employer covers therapy expenses.

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